Work conflict. Relationship concerns. Financial worries. Sometimes it feels as though life is hitting us at every turn, if it’s not one thing it’s another. Chaos rears its ugly little head daily, and after every hurdle you’re mentally preparing yourself for the next one. In our lives, we all experience feeling lost and hit rock bottom at some point.
When things spiral out of control it’s normal to feel completely helpless, but enduring those hard times builds character and enables us to be resilient too.
Growing pains are completely normal, however, you need to remember when you’ve lost that loving feeling that a dark night paves the way for a bright dawn.
When your compass is spinning out of control and you can’t pinpoint a clear direction, be still and don’t panic. There’s work being done behind the scenes to set you up for greatness.
Feeling lost can be a blessing in disguise. No one is exempt from experiencing hills and valleys or unexpected twists and turns, but as long as you stay rooted in faith and remain true to who you are, you’ll follow an even better path.

What Does it Mean If Someone Is Lost?
Typically, when people say that they are feeling lost, it means that they are feeling disconnected from their hearts and soul.
When anyone pays too much attention to their rational minds, to what the world is saying about them, and no longer heed the voice of their own heart, they find themselves lost and longing for more.
There are also times in a person’s life, relationship, career, or job search, when they are feeling lost, stuck, lonely, discouraged, with no idea of how to get back on track.
Imagine sitting at a crossroads with blank signs pointing in every direction. People who feel lost rarely know which way to go or who to seek for guidance.
How Does Losing Yourself Feel?
How many times have you thought to yourself, “I feel lost”? Or heard a friend say it?
Truth be told, nothing feels worse than losing yourself while traveling along the grueling road of life. You want to make a complete three-sixty, but don’t know how to do it.
You’re unsure of how to craft an effective plan that may yield a positive outcome.
One issue after the other has completely shaken your confidence and you feel like a boat that has been untethered from its moorings, and it’s now bumping around the ocean, completely adrift.
How Do I Become Myself Again? – 10 Things To Do When You Lose Yourself
With a plan and determination, you can get a grip on your life when you have lost control. Here are ten tips that will help you get a grip on your life again, boost your confidence, and help you regain control of your life.
- Pen Down Your Thoughts
When you’re dealing with adversity, and are feeling lost in the world, with no one to vent your frustrations to, you can journal your way out of it. Your diary is a tool you can use to express your thoughts without the fear of judgement.
Journaling helps you figure out your problems so that you can get your life sorted and gain a new perspective. Doing frequent brain dumps on paper is a strategy you can use to declutter your mind.
- Focus On One Thing
No matter how organized and disciplined you are, you’re likely to be stressed if you’re juggling multiple tasks at once.
This can range from mommy duties, responsibilities at work, personal goals, or issues with a partner. Tackling these issues at one time will only lead to more worrying.
When you are feeling lost, focus on resolving what’s most important first before moving on to the next. A planner or habit tracker comes in handy when you struggle with zeroing in on what needs to get done or prioritizing your time.
Create a schedule and follow a step-by-step guide instead of driving yourself insane trying to figure out everything in just one sitting. This can also apply to accomplishing your goals.
Many of us suffer from the shiny object syndrome or FOMO. Don’t get caught up in reaching every single milestone you’ve set for yourself. If you do this, you’ll end up being a jack of all trades, but a master of none.
- Make Time for Yourself
When life isn’t going as planned, the best thing you can do is take a step back. Sometimes, we have to learn to take things in stride rather than reacting to everything that’s thrown at us.
Make a habit of setting aside time for yourself and escape the harsh circumstances of your life for a weekend, at least.
Basque in some alone time – relish in the sun, take a swim in the ocean, become one with nature when you’ve lost that loving feeling. Indulge in something that you love or an activity you haven’t been able to do in a long time. It’s time to get back to happy.
Get your schedule back on track by batching your work week with the FREE ‘Time Blocking Schedule‘ below!
- Don’t Be A Control Freak
We’re raised and conditioned to thrive in a fast-paced world and as a result, it’s in our nature to control things. Gracefully letting go of things and people that no longer serve us is something that we need to learn.
There are some situations that you can’t change and the behavior of others are completely beyond your control. Don’t get caught up in the whirlwind.
Once you let things be, it gets easier to focus on yourself and feel peace, calm, and tranquility.
- Volunteer More Often
If “I feel lost” is a part of your daily vocabulary or thoughts that take over your mind, you’re focusing way too much on yourself.
Go out into the real world and volunteer your time, then reassess if your issues are as bad as you believe them to be.
Instead of dwelling on your pain, go out and help someone else in need. Focusing on someone else’s physical and emotional needs takes your mind off your own problems and sorrows.
Stepping outside of yourself leads to a sense of purpose, usefulness, and a meaningful existence.
By helping others who are less fortunate than you, allows you to get a new perspective on your quality of life. The grass isn’t always greener on the side, and your situation can be much worse.

- Practice Positivity
Focusing too much on the negative aspects of your life can do more harm than good. Have you ever tried writing down what’s actually going well in your life? Sometimes, our perception differs completely from reality.
You have your health, you woke up to see another day, and have people around you who love and appreciate you. That’s enough for most.
Everything else is a perk, including a lucrative career. When you’re only looking at things from a glass half empty perspective, it creates the notion that your life is spiraling out of control.
Surely there are positive aspects of your life that you are forgetting.
Think of your nice and tidy home, the automobile that gets you from A to B, your beautiful family, and many other things you take for granted, which reflect how full your life is.
- Set New Objectives When Feeling Lost
Most of the time our life goes off track because we haven’t properly scheduled things or thought decisions through.
Going back to the drawing board is often necessary, and it’s always good to set new goals and objectives throughout the year.
Goal setting with intention and putting an action plan in place can help when you’re feeling lost and have have no sense of direction.
Assess your needs and what you want out of life. Tap back into the original vision you had for your life and start putting things and experiences into place to bring it into fruition.

- Adopt A New Perspective
Sometimes getting your life back on track means changing how you view things. Are you pessimistic or optimistic? Are you the skeptic among friends and family?
Commit to seeing the good in every situation even if only for a week and see how you feel afterwards.
Radiate positivity in every setting that you’re in and smile more. Write what you’re grateful for every single day the minute you wake up in the morning.
Instead of dreading tomorrow since there are so many tasks to take care of, why not look at it as an opportunity to get some things done and free up your schedule?
Remember that there’s always someone out there who would trade places with you in a heartbeat.
- Get Organized
Develop and stick to daily routines. This is very important. If you have no tasks planned for the day you will lose track of time. Poor time management often leads to disappointment, disparaging thoughts, and procrastination.
Ditch this bad habit or else you will keep wondering why “I feel lost” every day.
Take a detailed look at your life and figure out what you need to change. Tracking your time to get a sense of what you’re doing wrong helps too.
Grab the daily routine planner to practice better lifestyle habits and become more productive with your to-do list.
Checking off tasks and conquering your schedule can feel very rewarding knowing that you’ve accomplished something for the day.
- Give Yourself Grace
As you work through the issues in your life, you need to give yourself credit and reward yourself along the way. No matter how small the step or accomplishment is, it’s important to acknowledge your effort.
Motivate yourself and give yourself a pat on the back daily. Cheers to turning your life around! Every day won’t end well nor will life ever be perfect, but you can get close to it by making it work just for you.
Appreciate your progress and keep going.
How Can I Be Happy?
Every experience, good or bad, is a lesson that you can learn from. If nothing else, the issue that left you feeling lost will leave you stronger, wiser, and emotionally prepared to take on the next challenge.
Life-altering events will continue, but the way in which you react to them will determine if you will continue feeling lost or be fully equipped to let the punches roll off of your shoulder.
Misfortune is something that we can’t control. However, we do have the ability to control how we respond to opposition.
Even if you feel all is lost and there is no hope instead of saying I feel lost and giving up, put complete faith in yourself.
Bad days come and go, but as long as you remain anchored to the vision you’ve created for your life, put good karma into the universe, and believe in yourself, the world is your oyster goal-friend!
Here’s to a stronger, more stable you!

I teach entrepreneurs how to simplify their life and business with less + own their time and maximize productivity towards their personal and monetary goals.
Thank you so much this was just what I needed to hear today. All great advice.